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System Failure

Many of us have lived our entire lives operating from a dysfunctional operating system. This system has been created from the fibers of our upbringing, our society and culture. Our reality and what we believe of ourselves is formed in this operating system. Our perspective is formed. This system can often cripple us with the beliefs of, "You can't do this", "You don't deserve good things", You will not succeed", "You'll never get this right", and many other self limiting beliefs. Know that it is ok to thrive, it's ok to believe in yourself. You mind and your thoughts have power and will dictate what you believe you can accomplish in your life. What are you believing? Take the time to continually discover, expose, investigate what you believe about yourself. Practice deconstructing those false beliefs. Often, we are way too hard on ourselves. We set our standards beyond our reach and then criticize ourselves when we can't reach them. A healthy mind, body and spirit are within your reach. Take small steps towards believing in yourself and moving towards self evolvement. Give yourself grace and redeem the loving relationship with yourself and your body, while you begin to construct a new operating system.

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